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Buy From One Of Our Authorized Dealers

Getting On The Road To More Independence

Stories Of Success

  I was moved to try it for transferring our 8 year old handicapped son.

I am writing you this letter for the sole purpose of thanking you for building such a fine, helpful product.

In this day and age, we try to provide as much normal interaction with our handicapped son as we can, and to this extent your “BeasyTrans” will become more important to us with every birthday he has.

Should you ever need to use our name for any purpose regarding your fine product, please feel free to do so. We are extremely pleased with “The BeasyTrans” and would highly recommend it to anyone trying to transfer a handicapped person.

Once again, thank you for building such a fine product.


Ruth C. Shulman, OTR

The Prosthetics Chief at this medical center is a strong advocate for the BeasyTrans. After several departments evaluated the Beasy System they determined that the Beasy System would help in preventing back injuries.

Regular ordering by this department prompted the Safety Office to take a closer look at WCC and similar to other facilities determined the rate of injury was not declining. They too made the decision to standardize with BeasyTrans on the nursing floors.


Bill Maaks
Crivitz, Wisconsin

  They determined that the Beasy would help in preventing back injuries.

   The Beasy II has made my shower transfer the easiest its been in four years.

As an occupational therapist, as well as a T4 paraplegic, I want to compliment you on your fine product. I am totally independent, using a routine plastic sliding board, for all bed and car transfers.

The one area in which I do require assistance from my husband is transfers to a shower bench.

The Beasy II has made my shower transfer the easiest its been in four years. At this stage it still requires my husband’s help, but the shower transfer is done so much easier with your short transfer board, than ever before. The most difficult part of the shower transfer, is sliding my bare skin, especially when I am wet after the shower, on a routine transfer board. With your short transfer board my husband needs to get the seat positioned under me, but then it is effortless to slide directly on and off the shower bench.

I expect, that with more practice I will be able to position the board myself, and I will only ask my husband to be a stand-by for safety. Your original longer board, had the right concept, but with only one assistant, it was too awkward and heavy to handle, and the length made it difficult to position properly. I can, however, see its value for patients more disabled than myself.

Thank you again for allowing me to exchange the longer board for the shorter one. I am looking forward to your company manufacturing additional innovative and helpful products that will be a step forward for those of us who are physically challenged.


Chicago, IL
Misrecordia Heart of Mercy

The safety committee became very determined to reduce back injuries. After several meetings, they came to the conclusion that the BeasyTrans Systems were a cost effective way for the nursing wards to reduce back injuries. They have placed over forty Beasy boards throughout the facility (which includes outpatient, emergency room and nursing stations). They also prescribe the BeasyTrans for the Veterans to take home.


Bay Pines, Florida

    This medical center began purchasing the BeasyTrans throughout the Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Kinesio Therapy departments for the Veterans to take home.

   Due to significant Worker’s Compensation Claims this facility uses the Beasy on all of the nursing floors.

After comparing previous years of WCC, they found that the rate of back injuries were not declining or leveling; They were increasing. The Commodities Standard Committee made the decision to convert the facility to a standard transfer system, the Beasy System was selected. This facility utilizes almost fifty Beasy Transfer Boards.


Hines, Illinois

This facility is one of the oldest users of the Beasy “Premium” Transfer System (they are located near our home office). They still recommend using the Beasy throughout the PT, OT, and KT departments and are using the Beasys on several of the nursing wards. This is one of the first VAMC to implement the Beasys in the Home Bound Health Care Department. As the therapist visits the homes of the Veterans they assess them in their home setting and determine the need for a BeasyTrans. In many cases it improves the quality of life for the Veterans as well as the caregiver (in many cases it’s the spouse or family member). We have a strong communication with the therapists and receive calls on a daily basis.


Charleston, South Carolina

    In many cases it improves the quality of life for the Veterans as well as the caregiver.

   I was unable to drive my car from June 15 to Nov. 10 when I made one of my best purchases…

The Beasy is my freedom to come and go as I please. It has greatly improved my quality of life. It takes a little while to master the Beasy but once it’s done, it then is a whole new way of life


Sterling Heights
Eric & Judy Hawley

…It almost makes me want to cry – It’s so easy! Thanks a million for such a great product.


Lomita, CA
Ruth C. Shulman, OTR

   My husband’s first comment when we first used it at home was…

  As an occupational therapist, …

…as well as a T4 paraplegic, I want to compliment you on your fine product. The Beasy II has made my shower transfer the easiest it’s been for years.


Sarasota, FL
John & Louise Stanton

I’m very pleased with the length of my 40″ board in that it facilitates transfers that were before unthinkable. The longer board has allowed me to overcome some architectural barriers that previously were formidable.”


Lubbock, TX
Kathy Taylor,
Dir of Education Services
The MED Group

   I would be remiss if I didn’t supply a little feedback after having used the BeasyTrans for several weeks.

 I wanted to take a moment to let you know how pleased I am with the Beasy “Premium” Transfer System I purchased for my mom.

Until we found the BeasyTrans Beasy board, we were unable to safely transfer her onto the tub transfer bench. Thanks to your product, the transfer is now easily accomplished.


Joe & Barb Hawkins
Schaumberg, IL

In this day and age, we try to provide as much normal interaction with our handicapped as we can, and to this extent your BeasyTrans will become more important to us every birthday our son has.”


Greenville, NC
Tammie Hulberg, MS, PT

   I am writing you this letter for the sole purpose of thanking you for building such a fine product.

 This meets as well as surpasses her long term goal for transfers…

And it has allowed Occupational Therapy to begin practicing slide board transfers to commode (she has been bed pan dependent in the past).

In conclusion, The BeasyTrans slide board changed Ms. Suttons’s functional level from requiring assistance to transfer in/out of her wheelchair to being independent, after set-up, with transfers.


No name given

For use with all Premium Transfer Systems and Plastic boards

The no slip pad can (and should, for added safety) be used when you transfer to/from a hard surface. Plastic on a hard surface may slide. Place this pad in between the transfer device and any hard surfaces to keep your board secure.

Made of soft, pliable, but durable rubber sheet.

DISCOVER The Benefits Of The "No-Lift" BeasyTrans System